The aviation group known as Jetpack Aviation is in talks with the air racing championship organizers to create jetpack racing as a separate category in the air racing world championships. The CEO of the aviation group, David Mayman, states that they are in talks with the Air Racing World Championships to begin an air race where the jetpack riders would compete with each other in parallel courses.
While most of the company’s resources are going to the remarkable speeder air utility vehicle, Jetpack Aviation has not forgotten about its groundbreaking jetpacks that led to the group’s prominence in 2015.
At that time, the group’s CEO, Mayman, made a rectangular flight using those jetpacks around the Statue of Liberty, which could have been unachievable with the previous belt of rockets they developed. The turbine-powered jetpacks of the JB series are now available for commercial purchases, too.
Jetpack aviation is close to delivering its first two jetpacks for military use in South East Asia. They are the JB12s jetpacks which will serve the military. Besides its delivery to the militaries, one JB10 model from Jetpack Aviation would also go to a private customer in the United States.
Mayman also adds that they have qualified to make 10 more jetpacks, which are the consumer jetpacks. He also states that they will have to juggle more with their work. Besides the JB10 and the JB12 jetpack that they have already prepared, the JB14 jetpack is under development.
The JB14 jetpack is expected to fly using the fly-by-wire flight controller technology specially developed for the Speeder. It supports automatic things like yaw stabilization and automatic LiDAR-powered height hold.
The Jetpack aviation has also set up a training and testing facility in California. People can go there and test any of its products. Mayman, the CEO and its team members have been putting various other aviation demo flights in different parts of the world for testing purposes. You can check out FuturePlay News website to know more about the Jetpack air racing series which will come to action very soon.
Launch of the Jetpack Racing Series
With JetPack aviation in talks with the Red Bull Air Racing championships, they have already taken over their assets. Mayman says that they will first launch the JB 10 jetpacks into the air racing series. Eventually, they will move on to the JB 14 jetpacks for the airstrip races.
Jetpack aviation has been working hard with the Air Race World Championship organization to launch a parallel air racing series. The CEO also states that they can field the speeder when ready.
However, safety reasons prevent the Jetpack aviation group from doing the head-to-head events.
Additionally, the small size of the jetpacks and the course obstacles around which they will move can allow three parallel racing courses. Around three pilots can race together simultaneously in those race tracks which are set over the waters.
The CEO, Mayman, states that there will be a series of rings, pylons and hoops. There will be both horizontal and vertical obstacles in the course of the jetpacks. The players must go over and under the obstacles, through the rings and the hoops.
The Air Racing World Championship wants to bring the brand name racers into the competition as jetpack pilots. The CEO says that some of the racers they target are young racers driving motorsport vehicles. There are the Dakar racers and similar sorts of things. But, before bringing the players to the ultimate race, they will be very clear about the players they use for the race.
Technology used in Jetpack Racing Championships
The company says that the dual engines of the JB 10 are well capable of hitting 200 km/hr speeds. But speed is not the primary concern because it is all about the agility and control of the jetpacks. CEO Mayman says that there is no way that even the best jetpack riders of the world can get through those hoops at above 80 km/hr.
The race series of the jetpacks is still under negotiation, and the final dates for the jetpack world series are yet to be released. However, if the dates are confirmed anytime soon by the Air Race World’s Organization, Jetpack Aviation and its members must work very fast to make its prime debut a bang!
At this moment, with the launch of the first jetpack series expected soon, Jetpack Aviation is looking to build more machines and train around 30 different jetpack riders who can compete in the race. Out of the 30 riders, the final count will return to 10. The 10 jetpack drivers will be competing against each other in a huge mission.
The Jetpack Aviation won’t start until they feel that it’s certain to go on with the World Series. However, there are multiple instructors who have already reached the faculty and are training the riders relatively quickly. For more information regarding the technology of Jetpack racing, you can check out website. It has enough information about the Jetpack racing series and its aspects.
Rings and Hoops at the World Racing Series
If the World Series certainly happens, Jetpack Racing will feature different rings and hoops throughout the course, which the riders must pass through to gain points. The race will also take place over the waters as parallel courses will be placed one beside the other and over the waters.
The pilots won’t share the same course during the race due to safety concerns, as one jetpack might collide. Also, the obstacles to be placed in the pathway might be placed vertically and horizontally. Jetpack Aviation is already allowing some participants to test their jetpacks after certain training days at their facility.
They can also drop 5,000 Dollars as an honor. But, once the World Series is confirmed in collaboration of the World Air Racing series, Jetpack Aviation will have to prepare all the jetpacks and train the pilots as soon as possible.
Everyone has got their fingers crossed with the expectation of the Racing Series to launch soon. It will be more about fun and entertainment than racing or competing with other jetpack pilots. Once the Jetpack World Series is launched, it will become one of the major sports around the world. But tune into and keep on following their content to know more about Jetpack Racing.
Final Words
Jetpack Racing is becoming a thing in the real world. It will soon turn into reality once the Air World Racing organization completes the deal with Jetpack Aviation. More than racing with the competitors, jetpack racing will be more of fun and entertainment.
Mayman says that once the deal is confirmed, it will boost the air racing championships. The CEO states that once the deal is confirmed, they will have to boost the production of the jetpacks, mostly the JB-10s and the JB-14s in the future.
Although the JB 10s are in action, some have also been sent to the militaries and some commercial customers. They are doing immense hard work for the development of the JB 14. There is no proper estimation of how many jetpacks the aviation center has made. Also, they didn’t even disclose how long it takes to manufacture those jetpacks.
Also, Jetpack Aviation is training more and more pilots to ride the jetpacks. There are more than 30 pilots who are training at the facility out of which 10 will be shortlisted for the final rounds.
But, the jetpack racing will soon turn into reality once the deal is confirmed!